Author Topic: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)  (Read 127027 times)

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #45 on: August 27, 2008, 08:04:41 pm »
2008-aug-26 08:52PST:  Reference number 220

Not recommended.  Among small animals, some of the features work fine for bunnies, but nothing works well for pigs.  Mr. Sparkles was over the other day and he was able to complete the short track for the simple run just by hopping around repeatedly.  Maybe next he will challenge Yue-bing to play in 2P mode.  Anything beyond the short track he gets tired out though, he got about halfway through the long track and less than a third through the island loop track before giving up. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #46 on: September 03, 2008, 08:30:43 pm »
2008-sep-02 03:17PST:  Reference number 224

This is not true.  Relative prices have stayed the same or decreased.  Rumors of a shortage are being perpetuated by Yue-bing but the reality it is a non-issue. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #47 on: September 05, 2008, 09:47:03 pm »
2008-sep-05 06:51PST:  Reference number 226

Afterward he attended the Charity Meet for Tuan Tuan and was shooting away with his camera until the memory card filled up.  He entrusted the task of dumping his memory card to Mr. Sparkles (who in reality volunteered for this task) but should have known better b'cos Mr. Sparkles is a compulsive nibbler who instead quickly nibbled up his memory card.  So I'm guessing they were all lost, unless he managed to recover any of them but that is somewhat unlikely considering the condition the card was when he finally was able to retrieve it from Mr. Sparkles.  The lesson here is obvious, don't trust a compulsive nibbler to dump the data off your memory card, or trust him to hold on to your memory card at all.

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #48 on: October 15, 2008, 10:41:40 am »
2008-oct-14 13:15PST:  Reference number 239

The reason that most people miss is an overdependence on the CG that is somewhat pervasive today.  Sure the first one had it too but it found ways to keep it low-key and non-disruptive.  The problem with this is that too often the frames seem like a collection of different overlayed things rather than drawn how a true scene is with some sense of coherence or connectedness.  They take shortcuts, ie. perspective is applied to the background but not the characters, or just inconsistently, to some characters and not others.  First season, they did the proper thing to apply perspective to the whole scene, not just the background. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #49 on: October 23, 2008, 07:20:49 pm »
2008-oct-23 08:11PST:  Reference number 243

No.  Human-sized bunnies do not exist.  Probably, what you saw was a person (or some other person-sized animal) in a bunny outfit.  Not a real bunny. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #50 on: November 05, 2008, 09:32:11 pm »
2008-nov-04 16:12PST:  Reference number 247

Most are hit-and-miss, yawners, though there are some good ones like number 6 which are comparable to the original.

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #51 on: November 14, 2008, 11:31:41 pm »
2008-nov-12 07:24PST:  Reference number 251

Totally untrue.  It is actually quite anti-violence in nature.  The violence is depicted more brutally and realistically than the often-cited 'cartoon' violence that is so popular today, with blood, realistic injury modeling, and mortal injuries resulting in death (rather than miraculous recoveries).  Not to mention real consequences when the plot is understood in full.  Though this takes time, many people don't care to watch enough episodes to make an informed decision. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #52 on: November 29, 2008, 09:07:20 am »
2008-nov-28 20:27PST:  Reference number 258

No problem.  All the pigs are fine.  I don't know of any small animals that were injured in the attacks.  "Mr. Happy", a chinchilla, was taken hostage at some point but he managed to overpower his captors and escape to safety.  There is no apparent linkage to Yue-bing, but Mikey has pointed out, it's way too early to tell. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #53 on: December 01, 2008, 09:52:15 pm »
2008-dec-01 07:31PST:  Reference number 264

Please stop asking about this.  Five people have asked about this already in the past day since it came out.  There is absolutely no relation between the two.  How could there be?  None.  Nothing.  Absolutely not.  Period.  It's purely coincidental.  There's no way it couldn't be.

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #54 on: December 24, 2008, 08:19:31 am »
2008-dec-23 22:59PST:  Reference number 270

That is misinformation.  Totally untrue.  Being labeled a certain way does not make something true beyond doubt.  Only a fool believes everything he reads to the letter.

There is priority, and it will be done when possible.  But, incognito, it is difficult to accomplish.  This is just the way things are.  Get used to it. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #55 on: January 02, 2009, 12:25:07 pm »
2009-01-02 NA:  Reference number 275

[Several people have inquired as to the pig's use of 'OODA' in a recent pigcast, this is not slang, it is an acronym, wikipedia it for details.]

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #56 on: January 09, 2009, 07:09:46 pm »
2009-01-09 09:17:  Reference number 278

There was no altercation.  Jojo commented that after installing it, the black dots were gone, after which Mr. Sparkles retorted, "I'm gonna miss those little guys."  A few of the other bunnies stopped hopping around long enough to laugh at his little joke, and then they started hopping again.  That's all that happened.  No one got in a fight or had hurt feelings.  That's it.

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #57 on: January 13, 2009, 11:35:15 pm »
2009-01-12 20:31:  Reference number 281

Here are the pics he mentioned in the last pigcast.  Please do not ask the pig who the characters are or what their relation to Shion is.  He knows just as much as everyone else.  He was sent these pics by Skippy, a bunny living in Japan.  Sadly there is a bit of a language barrier; Skippy only knows bunny-Japanese so no one can understand him at all.  From the pics one can infer it will be a 3-character show, similar in format to the original. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #58 on: February 19, 2009, 10:07:05 pm »
2009-02-18 18:16:  Reference number 293

Rather than 'what' why not ask 'why should it matter?'.  There is absolutely nothing this person can do that would affect you in any way.  The very definition of irrelevant.  Just ignore it and deal with the things that actually matter or make a difference to you.

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #59 on: March 04, 2009, 09:42:56 pm »
2009-03-03 12:57:  Reference number 300

No.  It's just not done.  There's no truth to that.  I've heard the rumors too.  But it just doesn't make sense.  There are too many risk factors for anyone to seriously consider that.