Live-evil is calling for entries in our
Third Annual Official Banner Contest!!L-E is hosting our 3rd annual contest and you are invited to enter.
Multiple entries are allowed. This is your chance to show off those fancy photoshop skills. And all you sketch/drawing artists out that, this contest is open to you too!
The contest: Design a banner for L-E's homepage.
The prize: Your banner will be added to the rotating banners on L-E's website (obviously!) and the winning nick(s) will be announced on the site as well. ... Oh, and did I mention that we have some manga and DVDs as prizes too?
The rules:- MUST be 730x185(pixels)
o Please note, the edges will be cut off by the frame when the banner is posted, so keep that in mind when creating your design. - MUST be in .jpeg, .bmp, .png, or .gif format. JPEG preferred.
- MUST contain the Live-Evil logo
o Download the logo in jpeg & psd format here:
o This may be faded or the edges blurred to make it look good in your design, but it must be prominently visible. - Entries MAY be created from screenshots, drawn, or any combination thereof, but MUST come from a current Live-evil project (includes joint projects).
o See for a list of current L-E projects.
o Exception: entries for Tokyo Marble Chocolate and Piano no Mori will be accepted this year only. 
- MAY contain the logo of the show(s) being used, but MAY NOT contain any other text (apart from the L-E logo). No links to other websites, signatures, nicks, etc. will be permitted
- MUST NOT contain content of an overly graphic or offensive nature.
- Entries not meeting the above requirements will be disqualified.
The DEADline: December 31, 2008 - 11:59 PM PST.
(The last minute of the year in practically the last time zone

The judges: The staff of Live-evil will vote on the entries and determine the winner(s)! If the entries are good enough, runners up may be chosen and their banners displayed as well.
Submission: 3 methods acceptable:
- E-mail your entry to
Not that we expect any problems, but: if you do not receive a response to your e-mail within 24 hours, it was not received. - Post your entry in this thread
- Post a link to your entry in this thread... make sure your link works!
and.... that's it. Ready? Set... GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!