I guess I am a little late on voting. I would have voted for
Future Boy Conan and
Daughter of Twenty Faces as well if they had been on the list. I did vote for
Yawara and
You're Under Arrest. I am eagerly awaiting future Yawara episodes. Another old anime that Live Evil started on and then dropped is
Ashita no Nadja. I would love to see Live Evil finish the last few episodes of that series, since nobody else seems to want to. You can watch the Spanish dub with English subtitles on YouTube, but COME ON! It's a Japanese film. Who want's to hear it in Spanish? Seeing the English subs on YouTube I know that somebody subbed those final episodes in English, but I have never been able to find them on-line.

I suppose I could take the RAWs and then copy the script from the YouTube version and then try timing my own sub.... Actually I have done that for part of one episode.

I can really appreciate all the hard work you guys are doing at Live Evil after trying to just do one episode by myself.