Since this was moved back into projects, and I saw your April 30th announcement in releases, I am assuming Yawara is once again being subbed by LE. I am looking forward to it.
Being the impatient person I am, I have already downloaded episodes 59-124 in the Catalan-Japanese language version with no subs.

I did find episode 124 released on Nyaa Torrents with the English ASS subtitles. I opened the ASS file in an attempt to find out who did the subbing, but the only information was about the software used to create it and the version number.

Anyone have any idea if English subs have been created for Yawara Episodes 59-123?
I will still get Live Evils version as they are released (They are bound to be better translations), but it would be nice to watch the episodes I already have if I can only find the subs for them. It will also limit the number of Yawara fans who contact LE on these forums, and by e-mail, asking when the next episode of Yawara will be released.

At this point I would even settle for an English script of each episode.
I suppose I could learn Japanese. For a guy who is almost 50, I am doing pretty good at picking up the language. Still, subs or a script, would be awesome!
I will be looking for the English DVD box release at the next Anime Convention I attend this September. I did see it there last year, but I didn't have the cash to purchase it then.

I hope it is still available this year. There is always Ebay and Amazon.
Edit: I have not seen any progress on this project. Your site still has it down as dropped licensed, AniDB says dropped as well. Froth-Bite seems to be gone, I don't see anything new on their site since early 2009. I asked AnimEigo about whether or not any translations where done for the rest of Yawara and they said they only did the releases for season 1 that they licensed and released. They actually gave me a link to the same notice you had about them losing the license for the rest of the series, and as much as said get the rest from Live-evil.

Well gang, the ball is in your court now. What are you going to do with it? 66 episodes left. If you do 1 a month it will take you 5.5 years to complete the series.