Author Topic: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)  (Read 134518 times)

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2007, 02:08:07 am »
2007-oct-09 18:41PST:  Reference number 074

No.  It is generally a very bad idea.
There may be times when this can be beneficial, but most of these are special cases.

Most of these books/talks/audio CDs/etc. tend to be 'hard sells' similar to the way timeshares or strange types of mortage loans are sold.  You might hear testimonials from people who have been using the strategy to 'make 3-5% return (income) every month' but notice how few of these people have been using the strategy for very long and still willing to talk about it.  Not only are statements of 3% income every month outlandish, but anyone who uses this strategy for a long time stands to lose a significant portion of the principal.

There are different variations of this scheme and most seek to capitalize on the fact that derivatives will generally lose value as they approach their expiration date.  Most of these variations involve selling derivatives and then buying them back at a later time (once the value has dropped). 

Why are some people today pushing this scheme?  Most of these schemes involve buying and selling derivatives only a few months out, and in a volatile market these derivates may be bought and sold quite often as the asset value moves up and down (in an attempt to alleviate 'risk').  Like with those funny 'mortgage of the month' loans, the people who stand to make the most money from the scheme are the brokers who handle the buying and selling of these derivatives.

The reality is that people who use this scheme may typically make 3% on the first month (where they are only selling derivatives and not buying any back) and then 1% every month thereafter, but with significant added risk and no greater upside potential.  More explanation would be a waste of time, let's just say it's a sucker sell and leave it at that.

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2007, 04:49:28 pm »
2007-nov-06 07:30PST:  Reference number 80

No, it is just an 'erroneous first frame'.  It is in no way a subliminal or secret message.  There are enough subliminal/secret messages as it is.  For instance, read the lyrics for the opening song.  Fortunately, the MC* is very perceptive and can pick up on things a lot quicker than most people.

Note:  'MC' in this context means 'Main Character'.

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2007, 08:34:22 pm »
2007-nov-08 08:46PST:  Reference number 82

It is not possible.  No one is perfect and anyone will eventually make a bad decision.  Hence, the need for checks and balances based on others, and the discipline to fall back to these checks when they are employed.  This is why ultimately some kind of structure is important if an organization is to last a long time.  Even nature has structure, it may not be immediately obvious, but it is there on some level. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2007, 04:58:01 am »
2007-nov-17 12:17PST:  Reference number 87

Alright, this may seem like a serious matter, but there is no need for alarm.  Certain countermeasures or 'stealth measures' could prove effective.  There is legitimate traffic out there.  For instance, it is well-known that Blizzard's WOW, used by an estimated 8 million worldwide, uses it to distribute patches and game updates.  Linux distributions like Fedora* use it to distribute the otherwise unwieldy distribution.  Fan groups use it to distribute fan-films and other homemade media.  In the future, by disguising one's own releases as legitimate traffic, it will be possible to fool the inspectors and slip 'under the radar'. 

Note:  This is what the pig is refering too:

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2007, 09:59:10 pm »
2007-nov-25 18:52PST:  Reference number 93

In a standard plastic cup, 1cm or less extra virgin olive oil, then add 1 teaspoon agave nectar, 1+ tablespoon wildflower honey, crushed red peppers, less than 1 teaspoon wasabi, and ginger spice.  Mixed together, of course.

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2007, 11:50:00 pm »
2007-apr-01 8:03PST:  Reference number A051.

With everything given so far, it's not possible to determine truth or fiction beyond doubt.
Additional follow-up to the above.
This question comes up time and time again, and I don't have the time or care to investigate it myself.
But if you want a starting point to investigation, here is a good one.
There is a rather extensive database of vehicular fatalities online.
It is perfectly probable that NK has given enough specific information which, if true, could link to a single or a few instances in this database.  Do a database search based on all relevant information and approximate time frame.  If there are no such instances, there is clearly some fibbing going on.  If you can narrow it down to one instance or only a few instances, then you are almost there.  Record those instances, cross-reference with other data like orbituaries and articles of accident reports in local papers.  Then you have a name (at least a surname), a place, a date, an approximate time, etc. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2007, 10:53:34 pm »
2007-nov-30 08:47PST:  Reference number 95

It has to be Shion.  There is one scene that pretty much says it all.  When Shion throws the pawns to determine who will go first in the game between Ayumi and that guy's brother, look at the scene that immediately follows.  She is able to find enjoyment in even the most (seemingly) mundane actions, while other characters are always getting too wound up about other "stuff" to be happy.  Just like the young girl in the Yotsuba anime.  Those advertisements that say "Enjoy... everything" and show her doing some 'kid' thing and enjoying it immensely.

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2007, 11:13:15 pm »
2007-dec-05 22:12PST:  Reference number 114

One day the main received a phone call from some legal or lawyer sounding guy saying he represented so-and-so and wanting the main to return his call.  This later got pushed into the background as he had to deal with a more important episode of the girl getting appendicitis.  But once the girl recovered, this guy showed up at the main's door and said he represented the girls' father who was doing time and wanted to meet her.  The main was very insistent on saying no but the girl wanted to see her father anyways.  So the main was obliged to go along with the girl's wishes, and in the end would simply feel obliged to go along to the prison with her.

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #23 on: December 28, 2007, 10:46:35 pm »
2007-dec-27 08:05PST:  Reference number 119

Injury Severity (-1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 9)
Fire Occurance (1)
Number of Occupants (3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

Display:  State, Case Number, Vehicle Number, Person Number, Age, Injury Severity, Number of Occupants, Extrication, Sex, Number of Fatalities in Vehicle

No Display:  Fire Occurance

Then scan the list, with additional critierion.  For example: look for 3 related individuals with the same case number.
1) injury severity = 4, age > 16, sex = 1
2) injury severity = 4, age > 16, sex = 2
3) extrication != 0, injury severity != 4, sex = 2, 4 >= age >= 8

For 2006, no relevant entries found.
For 2005, no relevant entries found.

I guess you can go back farther, or try turning off the "Fire Occurance", if you are willing to spend a lot more time searching.  But look at what he says very carefully.  Is it really worth the trouble?  This alone should demonstrate that something is not proper.

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #24 on: January 03, 2008, 11:48:28 pm »
2007-jan-02 06:27PST:  Reference number 121

All the pigs gathered at a local site, this time it was a park within walking distance of "The Daily Pet" to ensure that hay, romaine, and other foods and refreshments were nearby.  At the beginning of the event, the pigs congregated into different "preference groups" to indicate which bunny they felt inclined to support.  The next thirty minutes was largely a free-for-all, with pigs wheeking, cooing, rumbling and strutting around to show their support for an individual bunny and try to convince those in other groups or yet undecided to also support the bunny they had chosen.  After the initial free-for-all, a tally was taken and the big surprise was that support for Yuebing, who lives with Vincent (of Shinsen), had declined to a paltry 4%.  Quite a surprise for a bunny who had been favored in local surveys and dubbed a 'frontrunner' by other bunnies and even prominent pigs.

Jo-Jo 35%
Holly 33%
Min-min 16%
Mr. Sparkles 12%
Yue-bing 4%

So Yuebing was eliminated and another 30 minutes followed where many Yuebing supporters joined with "Mr. Sparkles" supporters, Vincent's oldest rabbit.  Min-min of h-b fame saw her support fall as her supporters were defecting to the tier 1 race between Jo-Jo and Holly.  Another tally taken

Jo-Jo 39%
Holly 38%
Mr. Sparkles 19%
Min-min 4%

Based on these numbers, delegates were appointed, Min-Min 1 pig, Mr. Sparkles 3 pigs, Holly and Jo-Jo each 6 pigs.  After this most pigs left to go to "The Daily Pet" while the few remaining pigs wrapped up the event.

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2008, 07:22:50 pm »
2007-jan-08 08:12PST:  Reference number 127

It is not necessary that she actually "went/jumped back in time as an adult" to explain the ending.  Remember that Rika claims to have spent around a hundred years in a time loop.  In the end, the time loop collapsed and ceased to exist, but consider the effects of this.  The Rika that had spent a century (or more) had not aged at all, definately not a hundred years.  To make this possible in reality, something else must have happened as to not create a logical / temporal paradox.  That 'something else' has to do with the shadow (dark) Rika.

My explanation was that the shadow Rika naturally moves 'backwards' through time while the normal Rika is like everyone else, moving 'forward' though time.  When they both occupied the same space, in the time loop, neither one moved through time at all, both cancelled each other out and were 'frozen in time'.  When they exit the loop at the end, they seperate again and normal Rika will return to the standard forward path through time.  Like in [physics, ie. atomic fission], shadow Rika returns to a negative path through time and momentum is conserved.  In the end, we are around 20+ years back in time and Shadow Rika meets with her as a young girl.  That is my explanation.  Nobody ever 'went back' in time, they just travelled through time like they normally do.  Shadow Rika must have been 'born' at some point in the future.

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #26 on: January 14, 2008, 10:16:14 pm »
2007-jan-12 07:15PST:  Reference number 129

A possibility, but highly improbable.  Certainly it cannot be ruled out, but at the same time, there's no reason to suspect her.  Think about if this were true -- it would change everything about the story -- completely. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #27 on: January 17, 2008, 02:50:09 am »
2007-jan-12 21:57PST:  Reference number 131

There is a perfectly good reason for that.  The sequence is A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R T U V W Y AA AB AC D AE AF ... .  The missing letters resemble numbers too closely and are omitted to not lead to errors.  For instance, AI1 vs. A11.

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #28 on: February 19, 2008, 01:09:44 am »
2007-jan-16 18:24PST:  Reference number 137

That was released on or about valentines day 2-14-2008.  There are no choices to make so you can't really call it a 'game'.  You can download the torrent or direct download here.

If you want one with choices try ADoS.


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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #29 on: February 20, 2008, 04:43:14 am »
2007-jan-19 19:30PST:  Reference number 141

Not who 'he' says he is.  Yue-bing, the bunny who lives with Vincent, Shinsen's Vincent, recently acquired one of those small-animal keyboards and has been chatting up on IRC like mad.  Vincent already tried to put a stop to her, but he's too busy to watch her 24/7 so there's really not much he can do about it.