heh, someone else subbing chacha ;>
but i wonder, why did you use a vhs source while there are all 74 eps of it as dvd source raws on winny?

[the quality is at least 2 notches better, both for the audio and the video - and also there's no giant black bar in the video]
it seems you used the scripts from script club... unedited? there's a shitload of errors in them o_O"
so eventually your encode turns out to be the same as the ones GroupeVirelai did back in the days, just with a higher resolution... which is a bit weird o.O
have you seen our (infidels!) try at doing chacha? we got the dvd source raws and we edited and styled the subs, and also translated the op and ed, made karaoke and quite a few t/l notes
we're short of releasing the 6th ep (we're primarily releasing to ed2k though, torrent only come in batches of 4)
you can get it here:
http://a.scarywater.net/ardk/Akazukin%20Chacha%2001-04%20%5Bi!%5D.torrent or drop by on #ardk-fansubs on irc.chatsociety.net and /msg sput (i can dcc an ep to you too, faster than the torrent :>)
maybe you are interested in working together and continue releasing it together in HQ? we can always use some more ppl helping in typesetting and QC

Editor/Proofreading/QC of infidels!