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Hi I'm new, have a question
« on: February 13, 2006, 01:06:04 pm »
Let me introduce myself, I'm Abelardo and I'm from Mexico. Back when I was younger I watched a lot of anime a long time ago and last year I downloaded a few of my favorite classic anime from those days, in Mexico we had a few classic anime series going (big ones were Robotech, Saint Seiya and Dragon Ball (and DBZ too, but I didn't watched that), we had a few other ones wich were not big hits as the formers, last year I downloaded all Macross classic, Southern Cross and Genesis Climber Moonspida (or whatever that one is called), I enjoyed Macross classic a lot and decided to try "new" classics and I stumbled upon Galaxy Express 999 wich I inmediatly loved and I'm looking forward to it. I saw you guys were releasing a lot of this "Leijiverse" series and I investigated, in Mexico they broadcasted Queen Millenia but all my attention was drawn to Saint Seiya wich was broadcasted at the same time, I didn't payed much attention to that series but I think it wouldn't matter anyways, I was about 13-14 years old and the story is very confusing (I recently saw Queen Millenia move and things were very confusing even now that I'm more familiar with the "Leijiverse"), wee didn't had GE999 nor Captain Harlock, but they were broadcasted in Spain and some south american countries, and some spanish group released Harlock, I downloaded the whole thing and watched some but there were some things I couldn't understand (or more exactly were not available, such as the past of Harlock, wich is shown in bits and pieces, and with caracters unknown to me at the moment). I bought some Galaxy Railways DVD's recently, it's great but not exactly what I'm looking for, so I downloaded Space Symphony Maetel here and that explained a lot of things (great series) but not everything makes sense, then I watched Queen Millenia move wich I thought would make things clearer, it did in a way but still the movie ended up too confusing, and now I'm watching Matel Legend with hopes of catching more bits and pieces of the whole story.
Anyways the point of my post is what is a good way to introduce this whole universe to someone who knows nothing about it? I recently tried to explain to a friend but my explanation was too confusing, based only on bits and pieces from here and there as I don't understand it very well myself  (he told me he watched some Queen Millenia when it was broadcasted here and in his oppinion the series were too confusing at that time, and in the other hand we had Saint Seiya to draw our attention at that moment). I would love to see some sort of guide to this Leijiverse. I hope you can help me, I think Queen Millenia TV could be a good intro and I'm very glad you're fansubbing it, but right now with the current releses available (not only L-E ones, but by other groups as well) how can you understand the whole thing?, thank you.


Offline Masakari

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Re: Hi I'm new, have a question
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2006, 02:20:46 pm »
Okay:Here is my absolutley honest opinion:
Leji Matsumoto is the stupidest person ever, and I hate him.

There are so many mutually exclusive things that occur between his series, making any reconcilation between them impossible. There's just too many inconsistancies and discrepancies to allow for one "Leji Timeline." Harlock is anywhere from 28 to 465 years old depending on the series, and Dr. Daiba must have froze a clone of himself, and of his wife, so that after the Original Series Dr. Daiba is killed and little Daiba boards the Arcadia and fights with the Mazone, many years later a new Daiba and Dr. Daiba can be involved in the fight/farcus vs Nu. 

In Space Symphony Maetel, both Tochiro and Harlock are aboard the Deathshadow, yet, according to the Movie My Youth in Arcadia, Harlock served time on the Deathshadow before he met Tochiro, after which they began their carrier together aboard the Arcadia which was made by Tochiro.

They all have internal consistancy, but are only losely correlated in that they involve the same characters, or incarnations of those characters, and similar themes.

Any factual study of Leji stuff is a futile effort: These shows are ridiculous[/color]
Seriously: Just enjoy them for what they are. Don't worry about the facts. How believable is it that they are advanced enough that they can make machine bodies, and force people to don them becasue its too cold? When a Billion Space aliens run off in fear becasue Harlock made a face at them, enjoy it for the wallhacker Harlock is. Trains in space? Yeah, thats bound to happen.

If it's Leji, you can count on the following things:
Regurgiation of the same boring,tired themes
Hawt Blondes
Talk of real or "True" men
An Angsty youth on the road to becoming said "true" man
The fact that Leji really like blondes


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Re: Hi I'm new, have a question
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2006, 01:38:58 pm »
Hi Masakari,
I first thought your answer was a bit harsh, but I believe not that it's really your true oppinion. I've read somewhere else that you canot understand it all (CornPoneFlicks or something), I've accepted that you can't joint it all together and just accept them for what they are (I can do that). I was hoping for some sort of guide as an introduction to this universe, but it's useless. Still there are too many misteries unsolved for me, like how Emeraldas bacame involved with Toshiro and became a space pirate or something, or how captain Harlock bacame what it is now (I know nothing about his past currently), maybe I should watch all the movies and ovas and maybe I can grab a few bits and pieces of the story, but the fact is that there's no story at all, they're all loosley related and all I have to do is just enjoy them for what they're. My post was probably meiningless but I wanted to introduce this friend of mine to this world (wich is very inconsistent), probably there's no "good" or "right" way to introduce them and all I have to do is let them watch a few episodes of GE999 or Space Symphony Maetel, that's how I started anyways... The whole picture is so confusing it might not even worth an explanation and they'll have to watch for themselves. I'm still fascinated with GE999 and I'm looking forward to it, it might not reveal many things but the story is consistent trough the whole series at least (I think, so you said). I'm just a leecher here and nothing more, keep up the good work and you can be sure I'll be watching every single release that you trow to me, just keep them coming, you might have a bigger audience that you might initially thought, I'm from Mexico and somehow stumbled across L-E, I'm sure there are may people from various places from around the world that have stumbred uppon L-E that you don't even know, all your effort is actually appreciated, thanks for bringing such great anime. I apologize because I might be a little drunk at the moment but L-E has become my favorite fansubbing group of all times, just keep them coming and I'll leech them and watch, I don't know if that encourages you or anything but I try to do the best I can to show you that there's an audience for all this stuff and it's not limited to the US only (you had that gou from South America who wanted GE999, I can help fansubbing if you're interested in fansubbing in Spanish, I would gladly do it with the little time I have left). Anyways to sumarize I would love to see more series comming and if I can help just ask me, thanks for bringing all this universe to me at least, keep the good work coming! Thank you.


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Re: Hi I'm new, have a question
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2006, 04:42:21 pm »
To get to know part of Harlock's past, you have the "My Youth in Arcadia" movie, which explains his hatred against the currect president of Earth.

Here's a list on AniDB of what's supposed to be the Leijiverse of Harlock/Maetel/etc:

Of course, the list is probably wrong because Leiji never helped on telling us the whole universe.
Something tells me where's not in Kansas anymore...

Offline Masakari

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Re: Hi I'm new, have a question
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2006, 05:57:10 pm »
Sun_Tze, What on Earth are you talking about?[/size]
That movie doesn't explain a darn thing. It just creates more impossibilities. That's just one of the possbilities, and one that doesn't very well make sense in light of the original series. So we are supposed to believe within the course of like....5 years the Earth went from an Illumidus occupied territory to the state that it was in at the start of the original series? Not to mention no trace or mention of Illumidus is found in the original series. You have the Deathshadow/Arcadia Paradox to boot.

Yeah, it has the same theme of Harlock being the solitary fighter for Earth despite the fact that he is rejected by its people. But it more or less ends there. Is it a good movie? Yes. Does it change the fact that Leiji can't put a darn continuum together to save his life? None of the works are explainatory for the others, except in the loose sense of Character Recursion.

However, I would Agree that SSM is the best way to get introduced to the genre as a whole: It contains a little bit of each of his trademark characters and themes, so basically you can fish for what appeals to whomever you are exposing it to.

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Re: Hi I'm new, have a question
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2006, 04:07:13 pm »
it must be me,but for some reason the whole Leijiverse seems to make perfect sense(you just need to fill in a bit yourself here & there)

yes,the stories are/seem to be interwoven,but you can also say that Matsumoto uses his characters(ships & planets included) more as actors (who always are the same folks playing different parts)

it's also a typical Japanese thing to make sequels or sidestories to stuff that have (almost) nothing to do with the original anymore

eg:I got an old Jap frankenstein movie and it's sequel.the sequel has nothing to do with the original(they refer to stuff that happened in part 1,but this seems to be set in an alternate universe or something),but if you look upon it from a certain point of view,it IS a perfect sequel that DOES follow the first film.

I know that what I'm saying won't make much sense to most of you,unless you know what point of view I'm talking about.It's a bit difficult to explain,you prolly just need to have the right mindset  ;)

Harlock/999 and Yamato both coexist in the same universe(in fact Koji from Yamato once met Harlock at a certain point) although they both are from a completely different earth with a different past & future...just accept it & try to fill in the blanks yourself  ;D 
matsumoto's minion

also the king of kaijuu

Offline Masakari

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Re: Hi I'm new, have a question
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2006, 06:51:02 pm »
Why didnt't it occur to me before! Time Travel!
...No serioulsy, there are spoilers, but This sums up at least the Harlock-Related issues