Cool. Didn't know about that option. I did notice that -H makes it look more impressive.

computer:~ bmfrosty$ df -H /Volumes/DAMAGE\;NAS-01-0A-51/
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
//DAMAGE;BMFROSTY@NAS-01-0A-51/MEDIA 1.5T 982G 472G 68% /Volumes/DAMAGE;NAS-01-0A-51
computer:~ bmfrosty$ df -h /Volumes/DAMAGE\;NAS-01-0A-51/
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
//DAMAGE;BMFROSTY@NAS-01-0A-51/MEDIA 1.3T 915G 439G 68% /Volumes/DAMAGE;NAS-01-0A-51
computer:~ bmfrosty$
Unfortunately counting bytes in base 10 is silly, but I guess it makes the numbers on the hard drive boxes look more impressive.