Tsubasa Second Season Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are we subbing Tsubasa Chronicles 2nd Season ?
The answer for all you lucky Tsubasa fans is yes ?
2. Where can I get Eps 1 - 26

Tsubasa Chronicle Episodes 1 - 26 have a confirmed license by Funimation Entertainment. Live-eviL does not sub or distribute license anime and so you can't get that from us. Please buy the DVD's from Funimation when they are released later this year.
Also please note that Enterthegame has a strict no licensed anime policy and so if anyone comes to the IRC channel asking for Season 1 you will be dealt with severely. Also please do not server any eps.
We ask that you do not distribute our fansubs of Season 1 as they are licensed anime.
3. What is the licensing status of Season 2
The licensing status of Season 2 is at this present time unconfirmed. Funimation has neither confirmed or denied that they are the license holders for Season 2.
4. What happens if Tsubasa Second Season becomes a confirmed license ?
Because we are on a network that prohibitis licensed anime fansubbing and distribution the project will be dropped without question?
5. Will you move to rizon so you can continue to fansub it ?
The answer to that is NO. We always respect the rights of American Licensors.
6. What about the XXXHolic and Tsubasa Movies

The movies are both licensed by Funimation and as such we have no intention of fansubbing them. Please await Funimations official DVD's.
7. What about XXXHolic TV Series

We have no plans to sub XXXHolic TV at this time.