*Please make this a sticky thread. Thanks.*Yeah, I know I'm jumping the gun here a bit, but I though I would create this now to give people time to post their thoughts and etc and figure out what they want to say. As we all know, real life (offline priorities) can get in the way sometimes.

Anyway, as you may have guessed already, we'll be posting our thoughts, feelings, memories, and etc about our dear departed friend, CP, here. Anyone can post in this thread. I won't make any rules that limit feedback from only Live-eviL staff members or fansubbers that worked with CP throughout the years. Why? Because that wouldn't be fair. I'm sure there are some non-fansubbers out there that had the honor of getting to know CP and have some fond memories about him.
Okay, I guess it's only fitting that I start this off, since I created this thread. I'll try not to make a wall of text.

I knew CP for around eight years before his unexpected passing. I first got to know him a short while after joining Live-eviL over eight years ago. The first time I talked to him, he came off as a geniunely nice guy with a passion for old school/underappreciated anime. What left a really good impression about him after our first chat was he was so humble and friendly. He was a prime example of the term "nice guy", IMHO. Always willing to chat it up, joke around, give advice, listen to what you had to say, willing to help out... the list goes on and on. I don't think I ever saw him mad in all the years I knew him. He was always so positive, happy, and laid back. It honestly rubbed off on you, whether you liked it or not. His "positive aura" effected many people in good ways. You can ask anyone who knew him and I'm sure they would agree to this. Throughout all my years in the fansubbing scene, I've had the pleasure of getting to know and work with a lot of cool people/good subbers, but honestly, CP was the best one. No offense to the rest of you cool subbers out there, of course.

CP was the total package. He was infinitely dedicated, always willing to help out in a moment's notice, never complained, worked fast and efficiently, VERY reliable, and genuinely loved fansubbing and what he did in the process. On top of that, as stated above, he was such a great guy. I was always amazed that he was the first one in our group to QC any new stuff that need it. Sometimes, I felt bad that we relied so much on him for QCing things. But of course, he never minded and was glad to help out. That was one of the many things I admired and respected about CP. He was truly a hard worker, all around. Definitely a rare breed in the fansubbing scene.
On IRC, I used to chat with him all the time. He was always happy to exchange stories and etc with me and everyone else he knew. Our conversations were always so soothing and uplifting. I always looked forward to talking to him again. CP could brighten up your day, if you were having a bad one. He was like Live-eviL's unofficial cheerleader.

I wish I was able to meet CP in person before his untimely passing. I remember having several different conversations on IRC about that. He told me once, "If you're ever vacationing in Sweden, we should meet up." Of course, I said that I would, if I ever was in his neck of the woods. If I'm able to, I would like to one day go to Sweden and pay my respects at his grave. It's the least I can do for a dear friend.
Aside from being an avid fansubber, CP was an avid anime fan. I remember him always telling me things about what he was currently watching and what he wanted to watch in the future. He would somtimes ask me for advice on what to watch, which I was more than happy to give. I can remember I once asked him if he has seen the ARIA anime franchise. He told me that he hasn't yet. I remember teasing him about not having watched it yet. He told me he definitely would watch them at some point because he liked slice-of-life anime like ARIA. I wonder if he ever got a chance to watch it before he passed away. If anyone knows, please let me know. I would greatly appreciate it.
Alright, I guess I'll wrap it up. I hope this stuff is at least somewhat interesting and/or meaningful to the rest of you.