* suzaku_nomiko cries
Can’t we all just get along like the big happy (all be it eclectic) family we are?
Why must there always be snippage?

I agree. Vash, I hate to pick on you since you seem to be generally a nice guy, but what you are saying, and what you are doing seem to be 2 different things sometimes. You claim you would like everyone to quit this childish behavior and try to be more unified, but how does congratulating Masakari for making a post that slams Tsubasa further that wish?
Again, this is not intended to pick on you, just meant to point out the inconsistency issue.
And to everyone, we all have stuff we could work on, all of us. And ripping each other apart is not accomplishing anything except creating division in the group. Is that what everyone really wants? Please think about it.