Author Topic: The Daughter of Twenty Faces Discussion Thread  (Read 262209 times)

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Offline Eaglestrike

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Re: The Daughter of Twenty Faces Discussion Thread
« Reply #120 on: April 25, 2009, 11:42:32 pm »
This may be against the forum rules, but if you're like me and have been sitting around waiting for months for the final episode, it's nice to see that it is subbed out there somewhere.

<edited> with the final episode subbed.  I don't know the quality of it at all, as I just found it earlier today and I've put off watching the last few episodes until I had it all done (and that's good too, would suck to have watched the finale after a 3+ month break from the anime).  

Just for those people who wish to move on from the pestering  :P
« Last Edit: July 21, 2009, 03:07:55 am by bastard-sama »

Offline Comic

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Re: The Daughter of Twenty Faces Discussion Thread
« Reply #121 on: April 26, 2009, 10:36:56 am »
Hey, I was pestering because that's what it said on the Project Status...

Eaglestrike, I appreciate the link!  With that I can at least finish the series, and then go back to quietly waiting for the last episode from Live-eviL to match all the other episodes I have :(

Edit: I watched that and the quality is QUITE low, but I guess it got me what I wanted. Though it was riddled with bad grammar among other things.

Still going to wait patiently for the live-evil release.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2009, 01:09:15 pm by Comic »

Offline anneelise

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Re: The Daughter of Twenty Faces Discussion Thread
« Reply #122 on: April 30, 2009, 11:45:40 pm »
Since we've gotten so many requests, here's a brief status report.

To whoever sent us the iDog, very funny.  Honestly people we need a real bot, not some kind of robot pet.  Send us a real bot body (with an intact brain) and we'll finish this series.

The pig is listening to your suggestions.  Thank you poppy561, like you suggested we tried downloading his brain data into V-BotSim JAVA applet recently but this just ain't going to cut it.  It made a few posts to ASuki and then started browsing the web and this forum and it just wasn't doing anything useful.  We tried to convince it to translate 22 but it went onto amazon and was about to place an order for 20 pink furby plush dolls so we had to pull the plug.  We're not going to go near V-BotSim again until they fix the Personality Module support.  The old Tofu definately wouldn't have acted that way.

On to the topic of encouragement, this is just as much your project just as it is ours.  We can't do this without fan support.  Pestering the pig ain't going to make it show up any faster.  I don't mean emotional support or support in principle. 

The sooner we get a reliable, working bot to download his brain back into the sooner we can finish this and everyone gets to go home happy. 

I know he broke down at probably the worst time possible but that is just part of what goes on in fansubbing and you have to deal with it.  Other groups have had to deal with worse issues every day, we consider ourselves lucky.  I remember when EF's bot went frankenstein, commandeered their webpage, posted nasty stories about there members, and just generally ran around causing havoc.  When Tofu went, he just went.  It was like a 'pop' and he was gone. 

There's fans out there, lots of fans for this show, you can do it, so c'mon.  Even if you can't order us up new bot, get a used one or something.  Send us one of your old ones you don't need.  There's groups out there with bots that are idling and even one of those older ones would probably suffice.  You won't know until you try.  Not only will this series finally be finished, but you'll also earn the eternal gratitude of the pig.  And that's far more valueable than anything else you'll receive in your life. 

you know what's not funny? crap like this... FINISH THE SERIES!

Offline Radar

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Re: The Daughter of Twenty Faces Discussion Thread
« Reply #123 on: May 01, 2009, 09:48:04 am »
you know what's not funny? crap like this... FINISH THE SERIES!

I wouldn't call it crap, since banter like that seems to be an integral part of the Live-eviL culture.

On the other hand, it does make it look like they are stalling the release just for the fun of it. I don't think that our L-E friends would actually do that, but what they do and what they seem to do isn't necessarily the same thing.

With that said: If posts in this forum does get through to Tofusensei, I hope that he considers this post as more pestering for the final episode...

Offline Sindobook

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Re: The Daughter of Twenty Faces Discussion Thread
« Reply #124 on: May 01, 2009, 11:39:24 pm »
On the other hand, it does make it look like they are stalling the release just for the fun of it. I don't think that our L-E friends would actually do that, but what they do and what they seem to do isn't necessarily the same thing.
Damn, the secret's out.

Yes, every meeting we all gather around the big long table, traditionally Tofu would take his place at the very end of the table, and over milk and cookies, we come up with new evil schemes to drive the fans into the depths of utter despair and unbridled angst.  Sometimes the neighbors complain of noise from the bouts of hysterical laughter that come from the room, but lately we've bribed them with cookies to keep them quiet. 

'Evil' is part of the name, it's who we are.  Live with it, accept it, and move on.

Offline Radar

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Re: The Daughter of Twenty Faces Discussion Thread
« Reply #125 on: May 02, 2009, 08:56:15 am »
'Evil' is part of the name, it's who we are.  Live with it, accept it, and move on.

I know, that's why I love you and have been following your work for a few years now...

Offline Lifebane

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Re: The Daughter of Twenty Faces Discussion Thread
« Reply #126 on: May 04, 2009, 01:35:21 am »

ZZZZZzzzzzzz ... ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz ......huh,wha,...who...,oh...It's not the last episode::::just Tofu fu-fu and a pig brain:::::I go sleep now........zzzzzZZZ...zzzzzzzZZZZZ

Offline Squish

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Re: The Daughter of Twenty Faces Discussion Thread
« Reply #127 on: May 04, 2009, 04:20:40 pm »
If I can find another translator to translate the last episode would you use them?

Offline lapchern

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Re: The Daughter of Twenty Faces Discussion Thread
« Reply #128 on: May 20, 2009, 09:13:50 am »
just want to say thanks for subbing this enjoyable series. you guys found a diamond in the rough.

Offline Hakujin

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Re: The Daughter of Twenty Faces Discussion Thread
« Reply #129 on: June 03, 2009, 02:40:44 am »

just want to say thanks for subbing this enjoyable series. you guys found a diamond in the rough.

Too bad they never finished it.

Offline pokute

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Re: The Daughter of Twenty Faces Discussion Thread
« Reply #130 on: June 03, 2009, 09:58:16 pm »
Wow, some really spoiled folks here.

Thanks and props to L-E for the great job you're doing with this series!

Offline Greylopht

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Re: The Daughter of Twenty Faces Discussion Thread
« Reply #131 on: June 05, 2009, 03:31:35 am »
This is just your once monthly.....


That is all.

Looking forward to the end of it as well.  I just ran through them all again for good measure while I had some down time.  You guys have done a great job with it.  But see you in a month or so.  (When I get back from work)  so....


Just for good measure Tofu   ;D

Offline Lifebane

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Re: The Daughter of Twenty Faces Discussion Thread
« Reply #132 on: June 05, 2009, 10:15:21 pm »
ZZZZZzzzzzzz ... ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz ......huh,wha,...who...,oh...It's not the last episode::::It's just Tofu fu-fu raping the pig brain...must be lookin' for inspiration......wha' want me to start a new series???...not in this lifetime...:::: I go sleep now......ZZZZZZzzzzzz....'til next month.......ZZZZZzzzzzzz

Offline Sindobook

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Re: The Daughter of Twenty Faces Discussion Thread
« Reply #133 on: June 05, 2009, 10:34:50 pm »
There are two basic types of people in the world.  Or more, two basic ways to respond to a problem thrust upon oneself.  One type, when faced with a problem, will simply sit bewildered or go running to someone else in a haphazard fashion and ask that they solve the problem.  The other type, when faced with a problem, will take ownership of that problem, understand it, and first attempt to fix it on their own accord.  They may eventually have to rely on another or enlist the help of another, but they do so only after reasoning a proper solution.  There is also an abberant type that will behave in a way that is counterproductive to solving problems, not necessarily with intent.  It is left to the reader to know which type is most sucessful in life and in general.

We see this in Chiko's behavior, she is not only extremely perceptive, but she typically attempts to deal with many of her problems on her own accord.  While she does not necessarily hesitate to enlist the aid of others, these are reasoned decisions that she first makes in her own mind.  Can you imagine a show that was any different?  If Chiko was the helpless type who simply went running to someone else in a haphazard fashion when faced with a serious problem?

My point here is that the effectiveness of Chiko's actions comes from the fact they are well-reasoned and that when she does go to others, she chooses those who are not only willing to help but capable of getting of the job done.  Chiko does not pester people, nor is she foolish enough to believe that pestering someone else is actually a solution for a problem.

So take this as a warning, before being the next person to pester, bug, beg, etc. him, think it through.  Look at all those, many who have come before you, and observe the result.  Is there any credible to reason to believe the results of your communication will be any different?  Is he, or anyone here, even the right person to go to and solve this problem?  Are you requesting assistance in solving the problem or simply begging him to solve it for you?  What does this say about you?  About him?  Are you taking an effective action to bring about resolution or just venting frustration with no purpose?

Offline Lifebane

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Re: The Daughter of Twenty Faces Discussion Thread
« Reply #134 on: June 05, 2009, 10:36:16 pm »
In the year 2129 they found a time capule with assorted items from the previous century. Among the items were a petrified pig brain and several antique dvd disks burned by antiquated comuter equipment. Analysis found they contained an old entertainment medium refered to as Anime. It was refered to as the Daughter of 20 Faces and was complete except for the last episode which was in an old dialect of Russian...